Williams Library
Welcome to the Williams Library Webpage. If you need to get in contact with me please feel free to send an e-mail to kclevnger@farmcards.org
About Ms. Clevenger
Katy Clevenger is the Librarian at Williams Elementary. This is her 14th year of teaching. She was a Kindergarten teacher for 4 years and this is her 10th year as our Librarian. If you need to contact her please e-mail her at kclevenger@farmcards.org or call the school.
What Happens in the Library
Students come to the Library once a week. We have a lesson and then they are allowed to check out a book. Kindergarten students keep their books at school so we can get used to taking care of our books. 1st through 2nd grade get to check out one book and 3rd grade gets to check out two books per week.
Reading Counts
Your child can take reading counts quizzes at home. Use the reading counts link in the quick links block to access the website. The student's username is their first and last name together with no spaces and the password is password1. If you have any problems with this please contact me and I can get you going.
username: katyclevenger
password: password1