Mrs. Bran's 2nd grade class plays “what’s behind my back?” to practice addition and subtraction within 20. #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit

#JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit

This month's Bethel Brew Teacher Spotlight at Williams Elementary is Brooke Wing! Our teachers recognized receive a free beverage from Bethel Brew of Farmington! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Gracelynn, a Williams 3rd grader in Ms. Sanders' class, had a busy and successful week at the fair! She had 5 breed champions, the 3rd Overall Market Hog in the market show, and the Grand Champion Breeding Gilt in the breeding show. She was also Reserve Junior Swine Showman. Way to go, Gracelynn! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit

Mrs. Hurd’s class made their names with play doh today! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit

It's Spirit Day! Seeing the FHS cheerleaders and football team here at Williams this morning was a lot of fun for our students! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit

Today, some Williams students beat the heat by having an early outside recess. Due to the sweltering weather, we've been having more indoor recesses lately. #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit

Thank you Main Street Baptist Church for your support! We appreciate you! #ESED #cardstudentsareworthit

Thank you Lindsey at BloomingGayles in Farmington for the beautiful flowers for our office. We appreciate you!

Mr. Cook's class is the place to be! Following his lead, students are drumming up rhythms in music class. #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit

Wrapping up an incredible first week at Williams! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit

Williams students are already showing off their creativity in Art class with Mrs. Wing. #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit

Williams teachers are masters of classroom management. It's Day 2 and our students are already establishing routines. #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit

Parents- Our apologies, the busses are running 15-20 minutes behind today. We needed to make sure each student got on the right bus safely. #Cardstudentsareworthit

Back to school! We're so happy to see all of our students today! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit

Back to school! We're so happy to see all of our students today! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit

Open House at Williams Elementary! We can't wait to get the school year started on Monday... it's going to be a great year! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Williams teachers welcomed in the new school year with fun team building games, and there was a selection of awesome prizes to win! Thank you to the many local businesses who donated the prizes... we love our community! #Cardstudentsareworthit
Bethel Brew
Chic Gypsy
Club Car Wash
Farmington Eye Clinic
Gerber Collision
Jim's Razorback Pizza
Onion Creek
Tractor Supply
Walmart (Farmington)
The Crescent

Parents, your student's individual lunch keypad numbers will be available at their respective open houses. Once you receive it please help them begin to memorize it. This will allow them to move through the lunch line more efficiently! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Public Schools is collecting bus rider information for the 2023-2024 school year. Please fill out the Google Form if you have not already done so to help us configure bus routes. Thank you! https://forms.gle/aFz33eakV615CzJy5