Ms. Sanders is teaching a Baton Summer Camp for current FIRST-FOURTH grade students in Farmington (Folsom, Lynch, and Williams).
The dates are June 26th-30th OR July 10th-14th. (Both Camps will cover the same material).
More information and registration is included in the link below:

Williams Elementary is wishing our soon-to-be-retired Nurse Tracy a Happy National School Nurse's Day! School is not going to be the same without her next year! #ESED

Farmington Public Schools- Daily Events - Wednesday 5-10-23 #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit

We had a packed house at Williams Elementary for our 3rd Grade Grandparents Day program today. The students put on a great performance for their families!

Farmington Public Schools- Daily Events - Tuesday 5-9-23 #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit

On the last day of Teacher Appreciation Week, Williams faculty had the pleasure of leaving the building to have lunch at several different host homes. We were spoiled with great food and great company! Thank you to our PTA and all our Williams families for making us feel extra special this week!!

Our incredible School Lunch Heroes at Williams Elementary!
#Cardstudentsareworthit #ESED

Farmington 8th graders and former Williams students, Hayden and Hailey, job shadowed Mr. Sills and Mrs. Phillips today. We enjoyed having them visit!

This morning, Williams PTA sold flowers that students could give their teachers as part of Teacher Appreciation Week. It made our teachers' day!

Don't forget about Hat Day tomorrow!

It's fun to shop and browse at the Book Fair!

Several dads are here at school helping out today... directing morning traffic, welcoming students, moving tables, and lots of high fives!

"Congratulations to Williams Elementary for their recognition as a Capturing Kids Hearts Rising Star School! Heart work is hard work! This year, teachers have continuously pivoted and stepped out of their comfort zones to support and engage students. Way to make a difference, Williams Elementary!!"

2nd grade field trip to the Amazeum!

Thank you for driving Miles & Miles to get our students safely to school!!! #cardstudentsareworthit #bestschoolbusdriversever

Our April Simple Simon's Cardinal of the Month at Williams Elementary is 3rd grader KJ Ennis! Cardinal's of the Month are selected for integrity, excellence, achievement, or acts of kindness within their classroom or school! #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit

Our Cloud 9 Nutrition Teacher Spotlight for the month of April at Williams Elementary is Alexis Shelley! Thank you for the hard work and dedication you display on a daily basis at Farmington Schools! #EveryStudentEveryDay #Cardstudentsareworthit

We would like to recognize our children of military families (and veteran, Mr. K) on Purple Up! Day. Williams Elementary students, faculty, and staff are wearing purple to show our support!

Ms. Shelley is KLRC's Teacher of the Week!
Here's some of what 2nd grade student, Karissa, shared about her teacher:
"I love Miss Shelley because she's funny, silly, and so kind! She makes all the book characters have a different voice when she reads out loud to us. She is always making us laugh. She helps us understand how to do our math problems. She doesn’t give us the answers, but she explains it to us."

Mayola Morales, our Williams Elementary custodian, is the SG360 Employee of the Year! She was chosen for this prestigious award out of over 1,000 employees across 7 states. We're all proud and lucky to have her here at Williams!