Students in Mr. K's 3rd grade class wore their jerseys to school for a team building day. They learned and talked about the attributes of a great teammate, like being kind and supportive. This group is definitely a great 3rd grade team! #Cardstudentsareworthit #ESED
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
Mr. K
Mr. K
Williams PTA surprised our staff today with a chips and dip snack cart! Thank you! #FiestaFriday
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
Fiesta Friday
Mrs. Melnicki's Kindergarten class is learning how to use math manipulatives by making different animal shapes. #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
Mrs. Melnicki
Mrs. Melnicki
Mrs. Melnicki
Mrs. Melnicki
The Northwest Arkansas Youth Fishing Academy has a FREE event coming up for children ages 13-18. Williams students are too young, but they may have older siblings that are interested! Proceeds benefit the NWA Children's Shelter.
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
We are thrilled to welcome parents back in our building this year! If you are interested in a volunteer opportunity, please complete the following form. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
Williams Elementary staff traveled the world this summer. Our bulletin board shows all the places we visited. It's perfect for our school theme this year... Adventure Awaits! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
Special thanks to Kinco Constructors for bringing goodies by the administration and both elementary offices today! They are great partners! #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 2 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
School buses are back on the road in communities all over Arkansas. Please help our FSD transportation department keep our students safe. Please slow down in school zones, be patient, and remember Flashing Red Means STOP! #ESED #FlashingRedKidsAhead
over 2 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Happy First Day of School! We've seen a lot of smiling faces this morning (and a few tears from parents). It's going to be a great school year! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
first day
first day
first day
first day
We are so excited to see our students tomorrow! Parents & students please be patient & allow plenty of time around campuses as first week traffic is always heavy. Please watch out for buses with flashing red lights & students moving! #ESED
over 2 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Here is another awesome PTA member. My name is Brianne Fowlkes and I am so excited to be the PTO Vice President this year. I have a son in 9th grade at the Junior High and twins in 3rd grade at Williams. I am also lucky enough to get to substitute nurse at Williams and the other Farmington schools. I look forward to a fun and busy year at Williams!
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
Meet another one of our awesome PTA members. Hi! My name is Jamie, and I am the treasurer this year. I have 3 kids in 3rd, 5th, and 8th grade. I work as a RN. I am excited about this coming year!
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
Farmington Elementary Schools working the Capturing Kids Hearts program today at NWAESC! @IHeartCKH #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 2 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Here's another awesome PTA Member Hi! I’m Meredith Curtis, and I will be the secretary for Williams Elementary PTA this school year! My daughter, Claire, will be starting second grade and my youngest, Abigail, is starting kindergarten this year. Williams has always held a special place in my heart. I was able to teach at this wonderful school for 5 years, and now I’m so excited to be serving the school through PTA!
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
We would like to introduce you to our awesome PTA Members. Be sure to follow their page for upcoming events and ways you can get involved. My name is Jenny Lee and I am serving as PTA President this year. I began serving with PTA when my oldest daughter was in 1st grade and I often came to meetings with my two other kids in tow! My kids are now in 5th, 3rd, and 1st 😊. I believe there is a place for everyone in PTA and I am looking forward to this year!
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
FSD can’t wait to welcome families and our students to campus for open houses August 9th - August 12th! #CardStudentsAreWorthIt #ESED
over 2 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Hey Kindergarten Families check out this fun event hosted by our PTA next Thursday, August 11th at Creekside Park from 6:00-7:00pm! Hope to see you there! Be sure to follow Jerry POP Williams PTA on facebook.
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
Parents and Students- Here is a schedule for open house at each campus! You are all formally invited! Please visit for more specific information regarding supply lists, daily schedules, etc. at each separate campus! We can't wait to see everyone! #ESED
over 2 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
MySchoolApps is the fast and secure way to apply for free and reduced meals online. Just scan the QR code or visit to complete your application for the 2022-2023 school year. #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary
QR code
Come find out your teacher for the 2022-2023 School Year!
over 2 years ago, Williams Elementary