Exciting day for Jerry “Pop” Williams Elementary!!! Several teachers accepted their RISE Award this morning at the ADE Summit in Hot Springs! They are one of five schools in the state to accept this award! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Summer learning at Pop Williams Elementary School today! Great effort is being put out by both students and teachers! #neverstoplearning #Cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Public School’s will provide a food pantry every
Wednesday throughout the summer! The food pantry is open to all families in our district! If you would like to pick up
food bags each week, please complete the form at this link

Our Cloud 9 Nutrition Teacher Spotlight for the month of May at Williams Elementary is Mrs. Michelle Gooch! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our students at Farmington Public Schools! #cardstudentsareworthit

Wrapping up our "Friends" themed school year in style!

Lots of celebrations at Williams today! 🎉 Happy birthday to Ms. Tenison and Happy Anniversary to Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Napier!

Congratulations to our May Simple Simon's Cardinal of the Month at Williams Elementary- 3rd grader Cooper Christianson! #cardstudentsareworthit

Farmington Public School’s will provide a food pantry every
Wednesday throughout the summer! The food pantry is open to all families in our district! If you would like to pick up
food bags each week, please complete the form at this link

Williams 2nd & 3rd graders are finishing their paper mache donuts in Art this week! Yummy!

Book fair news!

Mr. K's class... PARK DAY!

Our very own Nurse Tracy is ... a band-aide giving, tooth-pulling, Grandparents Day coordinating, car-rider loading, kid loving, teacher meal preparing, chaos coordinating nurse extraordinaire, but the best title of all is Williams Elementary's School Nurse! We ❤️ our Nurse Tracy!

Today is National School Nurse Appreciation Day! Thank you to all of our school nurses and the job they do keeping our students safe and well! #Cardstudentsareworthit

Williams Book Fair May 17th-21st.
Make it easy and set up e-wallet for your student.

The Kids Summer Hoopfest Team would love to have Farmington School District students join our event this summer and keep kids active. www.iyesfoundation.org/kids-summer-hoopfest
Facebook:@kidssummerhoopfest #DontRetireKid

The One with all the Thanksgivings! & The One with the Football!
We ❤️ our teachers!



