It's Meet the Teacher Monday! Hello! My name is Rachel Hurd and this is my 7th year teaching Kindergarten at Williams Elementary and my 8th year of teaching. I am a Farmington graduate and feel so blessed to work in this district and community that I love so much. Both my bachelor and master degrees are from the University of Arkansas.... GO Hogs!! I have been married to my husband, David, for 5 years and he is an optometrist in Fayetteville. I love spending time with my family, cooking, traveling, and going to the lake!! I am so lucky to teach at the very best school in the state!
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
Today is Technology Employee Appreciation Day! Especially with this year of virtual classrooms, hot spots, and chromebook distributions- we thank you for all the hard work that you do for our students and faculty! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Spring Pictures at Williams!
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
Farmington Public Schools Daily Events 12-4-20 #Cardinal Nation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Daily Events
As cases in the area continue to rise, please review our COVID-19 reporting information at Our District POC is available 7 days a week from 8:00AM-8:00PM. Please view this short video concerning ADH quarantine guidelines.
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
#FamilyCodeNight was a huge success! Look for this event every year! #cardstudentsareworthit #ARKidsCanCode
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
family code night
family code night
family code night
family code night
We're coding now on It's not too late to join Family Code Night on this livestream:
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
Meet the Teacher Tuesday! Hi, My Name is Dana Partain and I am a teacher at Williams Elementary. This is my 25th year teaching Special Education and my 16th year at Farmington. I am blessed to spend my days at the best school in Northwest Arkansas. I love spending time with my family and look forward to meeting my first grandchild, a baby girl, in February.
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
Tonight at 6:00pm! Don't forget to attend our school’s Family Code Night from home! A free, fun and valuable experience for you and your K-5 children. No sign up, no coding experience needed. Just join the LiveStream!
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
Every school throughout the state is dealing with the challenge of quarantining students during this pandemic. Here is a video with FMS students Weston Huckeba and Addie Wilmoth regarding quarantine information! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Tomorrow is Williams Elementary's National Family Code Night. More details here:
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
#JPWEAST students are hard at work on their projects to help our community! If you know a business that could use some help solving a real problem, contact us. We can work on anything; EASTies know no limits! Can't wait to see what these minds develop! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
Kindergarten is learning where the gingerbread boy will go next! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
Our EAST class won a $750 grant from Cox Charities! Way to go #JPWEAST and Ms. Locke!
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
Smile...Tomorrow is Picture Retake Day!
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
As cases in the area continue to rise, please review our COVID-19 reporting information at Our District POC is available 7 days a week from 8:00AM-8:00PM. Please view this short video concerning ADH quarantine guidelines.
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
UPS delivered a package to Williams Elementary on Friday.... and when we opened the box, it was Poppy in a Christmas ball!! Attached was a special note that said so sorry, Poppy has been quarantined but I wanted to make sure he made it to Williams Elementary before December! His last day of quarantine is... Friday, December 4th! Happy Thanksgiving! Love Santa
over 4 years ago, Kara Gardenhire
Sam's Furniture Surprised our wonderful Mrs. Hurd today with $1,000 shopping spree.
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
Reminder, Monday Nov 23rd and Tuesday Nov 24th are both virtual learning days at all of our campuses. There will be no on-site instruction during those two days. #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Having a little fun with our virtual students this morning playing Cow, Turkey, Pilgrim!
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary