October is National Bullying Prevention Month! Let's all do our part to keep bullying out of our schools! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
October is National Bullying Prevention Month! Let's all do our part to keep bullying out of our schools! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
As noted on our District Calendar, October 16th is a Blended Learning date. All instruction will be provided virtually off-campus for ALL students. #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Don’t forget to keep collecting box tops! Go ahead and send in any coupons you have, but please don’t send in the clippings that say “scan your receipts”.
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
Mrs. Wing's class had a great time talking about the ingredients and mixing them all up. We got all thumbs up on our chunky applesauce! Thank you for sending things so that we could do all these fun things this week!
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
apple science
apple science
apple science
apple science
Mrs. Melnicki’s Kinders studying during Apple Science Week #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
apple science
apple science
apple science
apple science
Mr. K's 2nd Graders are making salt dough landform models #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
Today is National Custodian Appreciation Day! We have some of the best ones in the business here at Farmington Public Schools! #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Superintendent Jon Laffoon reads to Folsom and Williams Elementary’s virtual students today! Mrs. Michelle Gooch helped out by introducing Mr. Laffoon to the students as a surprise guest! #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Farmington Jr. High Cheer is selling Homecoming t-shirts! Homecoming is scheduled for Oct 16th! #CardinalNation #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
October is National Bullying Prevention Month! Let's all do our part to keep bullying out of our schools! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
October is National Bullying Prevention Month! Let's all do our part to keep bullying out of our schools! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Exciting news for Virtual & Blended Learning Students! Farmington is offering free meals for pickup at the Jr High everyday! Just complete the meal request form by 9:00AM that day at https://bit.ly/2RKWPh9. Anyone 18 and under is eligible! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Mrs. Hurd's class is working at centers, wearing our masks to Keep it Safe!
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
hurd masks
Our Pop Williams September Teacher Spotlight is Mrs. Joe Napier! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Farmington Public Schools Daily Events 9-24 through 9-26 #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Daily Events
Farmington Public Schools Daily Events 9-24 through 9-26 #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Daily Events
Mr.s Wing's sweet group of Mail Carriers are bringing some mail their parents' way this evening.
over 4 years ago, Williams Elementary
School will dismiss at 1:30 on Friday, September 25th to conclude parent-teacher conferences! Enjoy the early day off! #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
early release
Farmington Public Schools Daily Events 9-24 through 9-26 #CardinalNation #cardstudentsareworthit
over 4 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Daily Events