Parents and Guardians, please be sure to fill out the Student COVID Screening form for each of your students every morning before school. The form can be found on our new mobile app, on the menu of our website or through this link: https://bit.ly/3go7yb8.

Please remind your children to practice social distancing when possible while at school! Let's keep our students safe! #cardstudentsareworthit

Please remind your children to wash their hands three times a day!!! Let's keep our students and our community safe! #cardstudentsareworthit

We have installed touchless water bottle filling stations on all campuses to keep our students safe! #cardstudentsareworthit

Take advantage of the hand sanitation stations we have available at all our schools! #cardstudentsareworthit

Remember to label your child's backpack, lunchbox, water bottle, jackets, etc! We love to help our kids come back home with all the stuff they bring to school!

Remember, wear your masks on Monday! Can't wait to see everyone back in school! #cardstudentsareworthit

Mrs. Burris and our food services staff are here for our kids- no matter the situation! Please watch this video! https://vimeo.com/449427443/3babc84f8d #cardstudentsareworthit

Mrs. Noggle of FJHS listens to advice on how to sanitize her classroom properly from Mark Elliot of Eason Freedom. Eason tested surfaces for contamination in classrooms, busses, and high traffic areas today. We want to keep our kids safe! #cardstudentsareworthit

Lewis Automotive in partnership with several other local businesses gave us a surprise today! They brought some goodies for the teachers too...what a fantastic way to kick off the new year!
Thanks #Lewisautomotive !

Williams and Folsom teachers are learning with Jen from OGC today!

Help us return to school safely this fall by bringing a water bottle to school everyday and using our touchless filling stations! #cardstudentsareworthit

Let's all return to school safely this fall!!! #cardstudentsareworthit

Please partner with us by filling out a pre-screen form before your student comes to school everyday! An example of it can be found at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnaqQ3lS5eIZIKcObSriOpQ8MvCgNDcybR_ryy1_fePQsdhA/viewform

Let's all return to school safely this fall! #cardstudentsareworthit

Let's all Return to Learning Safely this fall!!! #cardstudentsareworthit

Please complete this form letting us know how you child will be going home from school this year. We will have car tags for you to pick up at your scheduled Parking Lot Meet and Greet. (If you completed on Facebook, we already have it) We can't wait to see you!!

Jerry "Pop" Williams VIRTUAL Students sign up for a chrome book check out time for Monday, August 17th below! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0C4BACAF28A3F85-virtual

Welcome to Farmington Ms. Sanders! (Picture attached this time!) #cardstudentsareworthit

Welcome to Farmington Ms. Sanders! #cardstudentsareworthit