Williams Elementary had special visitors today—Farmington 8th graders! Paired up with kindergarteners, they drank hot chocolate, read books, and had a blast playing on the playground. We wish they could visit more often! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
8th grader takes a photo with kindergartener in the cafeteria
8th grader takes a photo with kindergartener in the cafeteria
8th grader takes a photo with kindergartener in the cafeteria
8th grader takes a photo with kindergartener in the cafeteria
8th grader takes a photo with kindergartener in the cafeteria
8th grader takes a photo with kindergartener in the cafeteria
8th grader takes a photo with kindergartener in the cafeteria
8th graders take a photo with kindergarteners in the cafeteria
An 8th grader reads to a kindergartener
8th graders swing kindergarteners on swings outside at recess
The Williams 3rd Grade Spelling Bee is officially in the books! 🐝📚 A round of applause for our top spellers: 1st place goes to Annie Martin (middle), 2nd place to Claire Wing (right), and 3rd place to Nora Gu (left). Congratulations to all of our classroom winners who competed today! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
the 3 spelling bee winners, posing for a photo, holding trophies
group photo of all of the school spelling bee participants
A student stands at the mic during the spelling bee
the top 2 spellers competing on stage
3 spelling bee winners are standing in front of Ms. Clevenger on the stage
Great times at the Williams staff Christmas party last night! Big thanks to Nurse Tracy for hosting! 🎄🎊 #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
group photo at the staff christmas party
setting at staff christmas party
setting at staff christmas party
stack of sweat shirts at staff christmas party
Nurse Tracy and Mrs. Hopper smiling for a photo
Group of teachers sitting around a table at the staff Christmas party
Group of teachers sitting around a table at the staff Christmas party
Group of teachers sitting around a table at the staff Christmas party
4 teachers holding gifts
2 teachers holding sweatshirts
Santa swung by Williams Elementary, spreading holiday cheer and posing for photos with our students! 🎅📸✨ #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Santa talking to a student
Santa and student get photo taken
Santa and student pose for a photo
Santa hugging a student
Santa posing with a teacher
group of students with Christmas attire
Teachers and staff had an eventful week. It started Monday with breakfast, thanks to Tera and Evan Lawson and 5 Tool Training Facility! Another day, we had a "Pop" Up soda shop and Chic Gypsy selections in the lounge. We played games and had drawings for lucky teachers to score prizes to places like Shogun, Chick-fil-A, and Target. Ended the week with Chex treats in the lounge! 👍 #JPWElementary #CardStudentsAreWorthIt
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
5 teachers smiling at the camera with breakfast in the lounge
Teachers enjoying breakfast in the lounge
Showing off the breakfast spread in the lounge
A photo of the "Pop" Up soda shop spread in the lounge
Close up of dirty soda instructions
6 teachers pose with the gift cards they won
Close up of Chex bar in the lounge
Williams Elementary just got an upgrade over Thanksgiving break with the addition of new sidewalks by Gardisser Construction LLC!🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️ These sidewalks will make the walk to school easier and safer for students, teachers, and visitors. A big thank you to Travis and Jodie Gardisser, parents of RJ and Kinsley, for making this all possible! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Outside Williams Elementary, 2nd grade students group shot with new sidewalks
Outside Williams Elementary, new sidewalks
Outside Williams Elementary, new sidewalks
Outside Williams Elementary, constructing new sidewalks
Outside Williams Elementary, constructing new sidewalks
The Simple Simon's Cardinal of the Month at Williams Elementary is Magnus McBride! Cardinals of the Month exhibit traits of excellence, integrity, compassion, service, or kindness within their schools! #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Farmington Public Schools
This month's Bethel Brew Teacher Spotlight at Williams Elementary is Rachelle Smith! Our teachers recognized receive a complimentary beverage from Bethel Brew of Farmington! #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Farmington Public Schools
Guess who showed up this morning? Poppy, our school elf! 🎄 And as if that wasn't exciting enough for students, our school also got a festive makeover with holiday decorations, thanks to our talented and creative PTA. ❄️👏 #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Poppy, the school elf, sits on a ledge above the front doors
The inside entryway, decorated for Christmas
A christmas tree with blow up penguins in the inside entryway
The top of the lunch doors decorated like gingerbread houses
A sign that reads "Shine" with balloons that look like lightbulbs
A sign that reads "Bright" with balloons that look like lightbulbs
A sign that reads "with Kindness" with balloons that look like lightbulbs
Thank you, PTA, for the Happy Cart surprise at the end of the school day! What a great way to kick off Thanksgiving break! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
4 PTA leaders standing by Thanksgiving Cart, smiling for camera
Close up of the Thanksgiving cart
Smiles were everywhere at Williams Elementary today as students proudly received their assembly awards. 😊🏆 #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
A student smiles for the camera, birthday hat on, holding certificate
Group photo of Students of the Month for Nov. 2023
Student smiles for camera, holding PE award certificate
4 Courageous Kid Award students smiling for camera
Student hold chamber champ certificate, smiling for camera
Students listen as another student talks on microphone during assebly
Mrs. Story speaks in microphone on stage, student beside her
A student smiles for the camera after getting Student of the Month award
Ms. Sanders’ class enjoyed an outdoor Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt this morning to get ready for the much anticipated Thanksgiving break!! 🦃💛
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Students on the playground, holding clipboards, scavenger hunt
Students on the playground, holding clipboards, sca
Students on the playground, holding clipboards, sca
Students on the playground, holding clipboards, sca
Students on the playground, holding clipboards, sca
Students on the playground, holding clipboards, sca
Students on the playground, holding clipboards, sca
Students enjoyed a fun blend game during CARDS time with Mr. Cook! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Students sit in the floor playing a blend game
Students sit in the floor playing a blend game
Farmington Public Schools- Daily Events 11-17-23 #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Farmington Public Schools
Farmington Public Schools will not have classes from Nov. 20th to Nov. 24th for Thanksgiving Break! Classes will resume Monday, Nov. 27th! We hope everyone has a relaxing holiday break! #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Farmington Public Schools
Great turnout for our Thanksgiving Feast at Williams! 🦃 Thank you to our kitchen staff for the delicious lunch and a shoutout to the High School volunteers who helped during the event as well! 👏 #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
A student and parent eat lunch during Thanksgiving Feast, smile at camera
students and families sitting at the tables, eating Thanksgiving Feast
A student and parent eat lunch during Thanksgiving Feast, smile at camera
Mrs. Gooch and Mrs. Burris smile for the camera, wearing turkey hat
A student receives dessert from the dessert table
A student and parent eat lunch during Thanksgiving Feast, smile at camera
students and parents sitting at the tables, eating Thanksgiving Feast
A student and parent eat lunch during Thanksgiving Feast, smile at camera
A family smiles at the camera during Thanksgiving Feast
a high schooler helps at the event
Happy World Kindness Day! Our students consistently demonstrate acts of kindness throughout the entire year. #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
A student smiles as he opens the door for his friend
A student helps another put on a coat
A student ties the shoe of another student
A student hands another a napkin
a student greets another with a fist bump
3 students walk holding hands
What an incredible Veterans Day Celebration by Williams Elementary's 3rd graders last night! 🇺🇸 Sending a heartfelt thank you to all our servicemen and women for their dedication and sacrifice.💙 #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
A group of students with hands over hearts, singing on stage
Mr. Cook directs students on stage
A small group of students at the microphone on stage, singing
A student recites a line on stage, line of students behind her
A student recites a line on stage, line of students behind her
Students put arms around each other as they sing on stage
Students put arms around each other as they sing on stage
3 students smile for the camera, wearing American flag shirts
3 students smile for the camera, wearing American flag shirts
Full stage of students at the Veterans Day program
Teachers had a pleasant surprise today as Mrs. Macedo, Mrs. Gardenhire, and Nurse Tracy rolled in a "Thankful Heart Brunch Cart"! We enjoyed the yummy treats and visiting with our friends again! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Mrs. Macedo, Mrs. Gardenhire, and Nurse Tracy standing by their Thankful Heart cart, smiling for photo
Farmington Public Schools- Daily Events 11-9-23 #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Farmington Public Schools