It's that time of year again to show your support for our Cardinal families! You can swing by Williams Elementary or any Farmington school office to adopt a Cardinal. Special thanks to Just-Us Printers for their kind gesture of printing the cards for our entire district free of charge. #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Close up of Cardinal tree with Cardinal cards and ornaments hanging
Williams 3rd graders are gearing up for their Veterans Day Program with a school performance. We're eager to hear more from them this Thursday night! 🎶🇺🇸 #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
3rd grade students on stage, singing for the school
3rd grade students on stage, singing for the school
Students watch as 3rd graders perform Veterans Day Program
The Simple Simon's Cardinal of the Month at Williams Elementary is Kinley Braziel! Cardinals of the Month exhibit traits of excellence, integrity, compassion, service, or kindness within their schools! #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Farmington Public Schools
We are thrilled to announce that Jerry “Pop” Williams Elementary has been awarded $20,000 as part of the Arkansas School Recognition Program! This program recognizes schools for their outstanding performance and growth during the 2022-2023 school year. The Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education has granted a total of $6,950,900 to 163 schools across the state, and Williams Elementary is one of them! This recognition is a testament to the hard work of our amazing students, dedicated teachers, and supportive parents! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
A photo of all JPW teachers, showing that JPW Elementary was awarded $20,000
On the final day of Red Ribbon Week, we lit up the school in our brightest colors! ☀️ This morning, Ms. Sanders' class gave us a patriotic start by singing the National Anthem as we stood for the Red, White, and Blue. 🇺🇸 #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Students pose for a photo in the hallway, wearing bright colors
Students pose for a photo in the hallway, wearing bright colors
Ms. Sanders poses with her class, wearing bright colors
Ms. Sanders' class posing for a photo in Mrs. Story's office
Mr. Cook directs Ms. Sanders' class in the singing of the National Anthem
Mrs. Story's classroom tour at Williams Elementary came to a close as 1st graders and Kindergarteners welcomed the "new kid" into their classrooms. Immersing herself in the students' world offered a unique opportunity to observe each class and gain a student's perspective of school life! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Mrs. Story and students sit on the floor in a circle, writing on their whiteboards
Mrs. Story and a student work together at student's desk
Mrs. Story sits at a desk in the classroom, holding up "time out" sign
Mrs. Story and class sit on the floor as a student works a problem on the whiteboard
Mrs. Story takes a selfie on the playground with a group of students
Mrs. Story and students listen to Ms. Clevenger in the library, sitting on floor
Mrs. Story squeezes play-doh with a Kindergartener
Mrs. Story poses with 2 students during lunch
Mrs. Smith sits at the front of class, teaching
Mrs. Story takes a selfie on the playground with a group of students
Crazy Socks & Crazy Hair Day! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Students lined up with crazy socks
A photo from above of students standing in circle with crazy socks
Students posing during crazy hair & socks day
Students with "crazy hair" posing for a photo
5 students with "crazy hair"
Students posing during crazy hair and sock day
Red Ribbon Week Hat Day! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
A group of students pose for a photo with Ms. Tenison, all wearing hats
A group of students posing for a photo with Ms. Sanders, all wearing hats
3 students smiling for the camera, wearing hats
This month's Bethel Brew Teacher Spotlight at Williams Elementary is Holly Cumbie! Our teachers recognized receive a complimentary beverage from Bethel Brew of Farmington! #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Farmington Public Schools
Williams Elementary students had a frightfully fun time at school, painting pumpkins with family and friends! 🎨🎃👻 #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Student smiles at camera while painting a pumpkin
Student paints a pumpkin with a parent
Student smiles for camera with parent while painting a pumpkin
Student paints a pumpkin with parents
Student smiles as she paints a pumpkin with her parent
A student smiles for camera, painting pumpkin
Students painting a pumpkin
Student smiles at camera while painting a pumpkin
the cafeteria full of guests and students painting pumpkins
We're teaming up and making good choices at Williams Elementary! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit #RedRibbonWeek
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Students posing for a photo wearing team/athletic apparel
Students posing for a photo wearing team/athletic apparel
Teachers posing for a photo wearing team/athletic apparel
Students posing for a photo wearing team/athletic apparel
Students posing for a photo wearing team/athletic apparel
Students posing for a photo wearing team/athletic apparel
Students posing for a photo wearing team/athletic apparel
Students posing for a photo wearing team/athletic apparel
Students posing for a photo wearing team/athletic apparel
Students posing for a photo wearing team/athletic apparel
It's Red Ribbon Week, so plan accordingly! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
RRW Flyer
We celebrated our awesome students today at Williams Elementary during our October Character Assemblies. 🏆 To wrap up the busy week, our teachers are enjoying a Caffeine BOOst, thanks to Principal Story! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Students stand on stage during the assembly
A student holds up a Chamber Champ certificate
A student holds his Chamber Champ certificate
A Sonic Drink with a note reading "Caffeine BOOst"
2nd grade teachers holding Sonic Drinks
Teachers receiving their Sonic drinks
2 teachers smiling, holding Sonic drinks
Today's National Anthem was performed by Mrs. Lewis' 2nd grade class! Great job, students! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Mrs. Lewis' class sings the National Anthem
Mrs. Lewis' class poses for a photo in Mrs. Story's office
Farmington Public Schools- Daily Events 10-27-23 #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Farmington Public Schools
Williams Elementary students were out in full force to cheer on the Farmington Volleyball team as they head to the State Tournament. Go Lady Cardinals! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Students lined up outside, cheering for the volleyball team
Students lined up outside, cheering for the volleyball team
Students lined up outside, waiting for the volleyball team
The volleyball bus turning into the Williams parking lot, students cheering
Volleyball playing giving Williams students high-fives in front of the school
Volleyball playing giving Williams students high-fives in front of the school
Volleyball playing giving Williams students high-fives in front of the school
Volleyball playing giving Williams students high-fives in front of the school
Coach Moad giving fives in the parking lot
Wide shot of students giving fives to volleyball players in the parking lot
This morning, the Senior High cheerleaders and dance team greeted Williams students as they arrived at school! 🎉 They even lent a hand by helping wipe down tables in the cafeteria after breakfast. 👏 #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Dance team poses with students
Sr High cheerleaders pose with students
Cheerleaders wiping tables
Parents- There will be no school for students tomorrow, October 20th. We will resume class on Monday, October 23rd! #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Farmington Public Schools
Parents- There will be no school for students tomorrow, October 20th. We will resume class on Monday, October 23rd! #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Farmington Public Schools
flex day
Farmington Firefighters paid a special visit to Williams to talk about fire safety. 🚒🔥 Our students got some cool coloring books and got to check out a fire truck! A big thanks to our local heroes! #JPWElementary #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 1 year ago, Williams Elementary
Students hold up the fire safety coloring book
Firefighters talk to students about fire safety
A student smiles with a fire truck in the background
A student smiles with a fire fighter kneeled next to him
A Kindergarten student colors in a Fire Safety book
A student asks a question to a firefighter
A Kindergarten student colors in a Fire Safety book, smiling at camera
A student smiles with a fire truck in the background
Students walk by a fire truck parked outside