Please complete the AMI meal form no later than 9am today if you would like to pick up meals for your student(s). Meal pick-up is 11:30am- 12:30pm at FJHS. The meal box will include two lunches and one breakfast meal. #ESED
about 3 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Please complete the AMI meal form no later than tomorrow at 9am if you would like to pick up meals for your student(s). Meal pick-up is 11:30am- 12:30pm at FJHS. The meal box will include two lunches and one breakfast meal. #ESED
about 3 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Please see the linked document below regarding school closures for the Farmington School District on Thursday, Jan 20th and Friday, Jan 21st. Thank you for your understanding and support during this challenging time. #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
about 3 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
We love Popcorn Day!! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay
about 3 years ago, Williams Elementary
Our 2nd graders are working together to use what they know about erosion to prevent land slides. Save the hills! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay
about 3 years ago, Williams Elementary
Mrs. Napier
Mrs. Napier
Mrs. Gretta is the first friendly face you see when visiting our school. Every day she helps our teachers and students in many ways. She is fantastic, and we couldn't function without her! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay
about 3 years ago, Williams Elementary
Ms. Shelley's 2nd grade class enjoyed receiving their monthly book! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay
about 3 years ago, Williams Elementary
Ms. Shelley
Nurse Tracy is working hard to help keep students and staff safe and healthy. We're so thankful to have her here at Williams!! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay
about 3 years ago, Williams Elementary
Nurse Tracy
Current ACHI data has our area under the "Red" high risk category due to high COVID positivity rates. In accordance with our mask advisory policy, masks will be required for all students and staff while indoors beginning Friday, Jan 7th. For more info click
about 3 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
FSD is requiring all students and staff to fill out the online screening tool each morning before arriving on campus. The screening form can be found online at or on the Farmington Public Schools App. Let's all work together to keep everyone safe! #ESED
about 3 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Parents please click on the following link outlining our district's Continuity of Service Plan and Mask Advisory. As always, the safety of our staff and students is our top priority. Thank you for your continued partnership and cooperation. #ESED
about 3 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Back to school! Looking forward to a great 2022! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay
about 3 years ago, Williams Elementary
Back to School
Back to School
Happy Holidays from the Farmington School District! We are on Christmas break from December 18th to January 2nd! #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 3 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Mr. Laffoon stopped by Williams Elementary to see a project that Mrs. Napier and Ms. Shelley's students have been working on. They came up with inventions that helped solve classroom problems. Then they sold them to each other and gave the money to local charities! Great job!
over 3 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Parents- Please read the attachment regarding school safety and a national TikTok challenge by clicking on this link. #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 3 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
Today was a great day for our December character assemblies. Congratulations to all winners! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay
over 3 years ago, Williams Elementary
Friday will be a blended learning day for students and staff. Students may work from home virtually. As noted on the school calendar we will have an early dismissal that day at 1:00PM. #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit
over 3 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
NWAESCs K-6 Virtual Program learning this morning with teacher Bailey Anderson and Farmington Superintendent, Jon Laffoon. Ms. Anderson taught 2nd grade math to students at @farmcards and other regional districts! #ESED
over 3 years ago, Farmington Public Schools
There was an Elf hunt for Williams teachers and staff today! 37 little elves were hiding around the building this morning, and a prize was given for each elf that was found. After a couple of hours, all were found! (We have a lot of competitive teachers here!)
over 3 years ago, Williams Elementary
Elf Hunt
Elf Hunt
Elf Hunt
Williams 3rd grade classroom spelling bee winners competed today in our school spelling bee. Our winners, pictured in front, are Anna (3rd place), Hudson (1st place), & David (2nd place). Hudson will represent Williams Elementary in the Washington County Spelling Bee! Go Hudson! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay
over 3 years ago, Williams Elementary
Spelling Bee