Our Simple Simon's Pizza "Cardinal of the Month" for December at Williams Elementary is 3rd grader Ruby Boger! #ESED #Cardstudentsareworthit

Look who made a surprise appearance at Williams Elementary! Santa snuck into each classroom to say Merry Christmas and hand out treats. He said the cafeteria and maintenance staff was especially good this year, and we agree! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay

Farmington Athletics would like to thank our Legacy Sponsor First Security Bank! If you are interested in corporate sponsorships at Cardinal Stadium please contact Coach Thompson at bthomp@farmcards.org! #ESED #CardinalNation

Poppy hit Mr. K's room!! She left a message on the whiteboard, saying "I heard you get leaves for reading. Thought I would help!" #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay

We hope Santa gets these letters from Mrs. Lewis' 2nd grade students! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay

This week, Williams EAST students have been working hard on their projects, speaking with clients and community partners, and holding team meetings over lunch. They continue to build the skills that will help them throughout school and into their future careers. #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay

Students listen as Ms. Clevenger reads a book aloud in Library, and P.E. students begin an exercise in the gym with Mrs. Gardner. Williams students always look forward to their specials class activities! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay

It's a "Mission: Impossible" Colors Day in Farmington this basketball season. Order your t-shirt by next Friday!

Farmington Athletics would like to thank our Legacy Sponsor Farmington Booster Club! If you are interested in corporate sponsorships at Cardinal Stadium please contact Coach Thompson at bthomp@farmcards.org! #ESED #CardinalNation

Ms. Hart reads to her 1st grade students at the beginning of Music class while Ms. Gutche passes out materials for student projects in Art class. Williams students love art and music! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay

Mrs. Melnicki's kinders are conducting their own science experiment using gingerbread men. #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay

This week is Computer Science Education Week! #CSFORAR #ARKIDSCANCODE #CSEDWEEK #Cardstudentsareworthit

We did it! Over 200 pajamas were donated to the Pajama Drive here at Williams Elementary! For each pair of pajamas donated, Scholastic will also donate a new book to a child facing adversity. Thank you! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay

Gingerbread Hunt in Mrs. Macedo's class! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay

This month BSN is offering 20% off on your Cardinal Sideline Store purchase of $90 or more! The promotion is good for the entire month of December. This will end on 12/31/21 at 11:59 P.M. EST. Please visit www.farmcardsathletics.org to access. #ESED #CardinalNation

137 and counting! Getting closer and closer to our goal of 200! #Cardstudentsareworthit #EveryStudentEveryDay

Parents- The city has notified our district that Rainsong Street will be closed beginning Tuesday, November 30 until they complete their construction project. We will adjust bus stop locations for students that live on Rainsong. Our stop locations will be at the corner of Rainsong and 170, the corner of Rainsong and Southwinds, and the corner of Southwinds and Killdeer. Regular bus routes will resume as soon as the road is opened back up! #Cardstudentsareworhtit

We are having some technical issues between Facebook and our school website provider. Our district Facebook page is currently down. Individual campus pages are up and running. Please visit these pages or our live feed at www.farmcards.org until they can get the problem resolved.

Our school is partnering with Scholastic for a Pajama Drive. We are collecting brand new pajama from newborn to adult. For every pair of pajamas donated, Scholastic Book clubs will donate a brand-new Book to the Pajama Program to give to a child facing adversity. Help us reach our goal of 200 pairs by Thursday December 2!!

Our Cloud 9 Nutrition "Teacher Spotlight" for the month of November at Williams Elementary is Michelle Gooch! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to Farmington students! #EveryStudentEveryDay #Cardstudentsareworthit